One Big Adventure
An opportunity to log in some of the thoughts and activities of our homeschooling family of eight. We love books and good food and aspire to a Christ-centered, multi-generational, agrarian life.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Too much excitement

More attempts were made by the transport team today to get James IV, access in order to give him the antibiotics he needs. All were to no avail. He finally ended up getting a PICC line (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter). I starts out like an IV (I know, I asked the same thing) and then they insert special tubing through the vein to the main artery going into the heart (I think, feel free to jump in and correct me in the details, medical friends).

They were able to get the PICC line in because they use ultra-sound to identify the vein and then they use some sort of sedation to keep him calm and relaxed. He was secured to a papoose board. Once the line was in, they took x-rays to be sure it was placed right and there was a loop. They were able, PTL, to open the loop with a saline flush. Now he is getting his meds and sleeping. Unfortunately, he is showing signs of mucousitis. It was a mercy to me that Vern was here and Katie and I had left shortly before this procedure and gone to spend some time away from the hospital, per Vern's direction.

I think this is the hardest delay/extension for me so far. He did so well at home, I hate to see him lose so much ground. And I am tired of being here, feeling like I always have to be on guard and ready to defend James and ask suitable questions, advocating for him during whatever is happening.

The nurse practitioner who is always on the floor (M-F) told me today that James is probably the second most complex patient on the floor, including the Bone Marrow Transplant patients. I wish they would assign nurses to him accordingly. It would sure help my stress level!

With all the excitement around here it has been hard to find quiet time to read our Bibles and just be apart with the Lord for a little while. I am sure that will make a difference.

Some quiet boredom would be a really nice thing about now.

Love, Stephanie

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