One Big Adventure
An opportunity to log in some of the thoughts and activities of our homeschooling family of eight. We love books and good food and aspire to a Christ-centered, multi-generational, agrarian life.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

No photos, but a job

After my last post, I set up photos to upload and then Blogger decided it wouldn't take them. I needed to do other things, so I set that aside. Today, the computer is being finicky. I will do what I can do.

Vern called bright and early this morning to let me know that he'd gotten the call from Mr. Davis, his new boss. He is probably at the school, as I type, signing the paperwork and meeting some of the teachers. Today is the last day of post-planning, so this is his last opportunity to talk to the math department head before he starts work July 31st. This is like planting our fields. Lord willing, we will now turn our attention to 'building our house'.

Dr. Keller came by to check on James. He was pretty tickled with how well James is doing. I teased him a little about his advertisement for the port over the Hickman. He was very good-natured about it. We also chatted some about supplements and beneficial foods for James. He said that they don't know why, but serious and systemic yeast infections seem to be far more common in people on chemo than it used to be. He even said he thought they should be using more pro-biotics and that he has concerns over some cancer diets that limit things like fresh fruits and vegetables. I currently have James on a high potency pro-biotic and we are looking to get him onto some 'green juice' as well.

Sometime today I'll meet with the dietician here to talk about James' calorie needs. It seems he is gaining weight far too quickly (almost four pounds in the two-and-a-half weeks we were out of the hospital) and we need to figure out what his real calorie needs are and how best to meet them.

We are looking forward to a visit today from my mom and dad who are driving down from northeast Georgia. It is nice to see them, a closer drive for them and they love to come see James, espeically.

Besides finishing up James' chemo, I am not sure what else the day holds. I will try again to post some photos, but, as I often tell the children, "No promises."

Thanks for checking in with us. We love to hear from you!

Love, Stephanie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"High potency, pro-biotic"? Do tell! I haven't heard of that. Where can I get more info? Hooray for the job! I'm so glad you all are having some good news. Keep posting pictures, too,I love seeing them.