One Big Adventure
An opportunity to log in some of the thoughts and activities of our homeschooling family of eight. We love books and good food and aspire to a Christ-centered, multi-generational, agrarian life.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Camping tonight

Tonight in the south (where we haven't felt 'global warming' in nearly a year), Katie, Owen, Becca, Carrie and I are going camping in the yard. It seems that all us children set up our 8 person tent and sleep in it about once a year. Usually, we set it up in the livingroom/diningroom. But this time we are actually going to sleep outside. Some of us (including me!) are wimps when it comes to camping and we wimps decided to take our mattresses out and sleep on those, smothered in our sleeping bags and piles of blankets. Hopefully we'll stay warm, it's supposed to get down to 39* tonight.

Owen has built a fire and beds and bedding is set up. We even decorated with pine boughs inside and outside the tent and we have boards at the entrance, so that we don't track in sand. Carrie is all dressed up in her flannel pantelettes, red turtleneck, blue couch-pouch and two pairs of socks. Becca has her horse sweatshirt, a denim shirt, flannel pantelettes, sweatpants and two pairs of socks on. They both look too cute for words and are eagerly looking forward to sleeping in the tent tonight. Maybe I should go take pictures, so we can share our experience.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! love, Poppa

Marcy said...

Wow, you are a good mom Stephanie! I think I would have to send them on their way and sleep in my bed! Marc told me to put a comment on my Facebook about it being in the 30's in October in Ga. and say "so much for global warming" I have some interesting people on my facebook from highschool (Cincinnati). Some are pretty liberal. I didn't do it...... yet! :>)

Stephanie said...

I'm guessing it was pretty fun. Some of them want to do it again tonight!

Marcy, I *did* sleep in my bed! LOL. James, Vern and I stayed in. The big sibs made memories ;*).